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    KML uses   SEBIA , the Sebia gel technology is based on the principle of separation molecules in an agarose medium. The HYDRASYS instruments allow simultaneous sample analyses on one...
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    Molecular Genetics

    The DNA micro array is an array plat form based on proven biochip technology, ready to use for PCR components fully automated standardized evaluation and interpretation of results by EURO Array...
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      Effecient allergy profile diagnostics using the Euroline system: fast test performance and fully automated evaluation for food, respiratory and atopy specific allergy panel...
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    Quality Policy

    Established in 2010, Al Karim Medical Laboratory ( KML ) has dedicated its resources to provide highest quality services, guided by the needs and requirements of its stakeholders. We at Al Karim...
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    Mission and Vision

    Our Mission is to provide professional medical laboratory testing services performed by committed and skilled personnel, using the most advanced technologies and equipments. And to furnish...

Al Karim Medical Laboratory


Click for Directions
1st Floor, Sobhe Alsen Bldg
Dr.Ghassan Hammoud Str
Saida, Saida
P: +9617755273
M: +9613170065


7:30 AM - 4:00 PM


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